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Orange + Yellow

Orange + Yellow

51 Results

Raw garnet ring | Orange Garnet ring
Raw garnet ring | Orange Garnet ring

Raw garnet ring | Orange Garnet ring

5.0 (13)

$ 97.00

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Orange and Yellow Gemstones | Raw Crystal Jewelry | HAWKHOUSE


Embrace the radiant energy of orange and yellow natural gemstones and let your jewelry reflect your sunny disposition. Our collection awaits, ready to brighten your day and add a touch of sparkle to your life. From sun-kissed citrines to mesmerizing amber gems, this collection showcases a stunning array of orange and yellow crystals meticulously handcrafted into elegant necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Whether you seek a bold statement piece or a subtle touch of golden radiance, these captivating designs are sure to add a touch of sunshine to your everyday style. 


Orange and Yellow Crystals FAQ:

What is the meaning and properties of orange crystals?

  • Orange crystals like carnelian and citrine are associated with creativity, confidence, and joy. They are believed to promote a positive mindset, boost self-esteem, and stimulate the sacral chakra.

What is the meaning and properties of yellow crystals?

  • Yellow crystals like yellow jasper and yellow calcite are linked to intellect, clarity, and energy. They are thought to enhance focus, logical thinking, and personal power while alleviating anxiety and depression.

What anniversary is associated with orange and yellow gemstones?

  • The 14th wedding anniversary is traditionally represented by orange and yellow gemstones like citrine and carnelian.

What are some popular ways to wear orange and yellow crystals?

  • Orange and yellow crystals can be worn as necklaces, bracelets, rings, or earrings. They can also be carried as pocket stones or placed around the home or workspace.

Are orange and yellow crystals suitable for all skin tones?

  • Yes, orange and yellow crystals can complement a wide range of skin tones due to their warm, vibrant hues.

How should orange and yellow crystals be cleansed and recharged?

  • These crystals can be cleansed by smudging with sage, soaking in saltwater, or burying them in soil overnight. They can be recharged by exposing them to sunlight or moonlight.

What other colors pair well with orange and yellow crystals?

  • Orange and yellow crystals can be beautifully paired with earth tones like brown, green, and red, as well as neutral colors like black, white, and gray.

Are orange and yellow crystals durable enough for everyday wear?

  • Many orange and yellow crystals like carnelian, citrine, and yellow jasper have a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, making them suitable for everyday wear with proper care.

Can orange and yellow crystals be used for meditation and spiritual practices?

  • Absolutely. These vibrant crystals can be used for chakra balancing, manifestation rituals, and promoting a sunny, optimistic mindset during meditation.

Are orange and yellow crystals affordable gemstone options?

  • Yes, many varieties of orange and yellow crystals are relatively affordable and accessible compared to some other precious gemstones.